MARQUIS Nr. 81 -即納- (最新号(2024/6/19入荷) )世界に冠たるフェティッシュマガジンMARQUIS #81最新号
他、 116 pages,A4 伝説の雑誌<<0>>よりオーナー編集長/フォトグラファーであるPeter W. Czernich氏によるMARQUIS MAGAZINE 新しいオーナー Andreas氏に変わったものの その意思は健在 ドイツ発のラバー(ラテックス)を中心としたフェティッシュ・ファッション専門誌。 1994年の創刊以来、世界中のフェティッシュファンから支持され続けるクオリティの高いフェティシュグラビア誌です。116p ⚫︎Cover: Ivana Hyde: «I'm perverted and I like it rough and dirty» ⚫︎Fashion Special: Exo Latex: Simon Bourdain founded a design label and presents exciting latex fashion designs between Mistress and Matrix - including an exclusive voucher! ⚫︎A really nice birthday greeting from Libidex ⚫︎10 tempting facts about Pleasure Bay! ⚫︎The announcement and invitation to the MARQUIS anniversary party: MARQUIS Kinky Bizarre! ⚫︎The courageous interview with Rose Pheenix and Yazzabel de Warth, with pictures by Inot Psalm (Zer0rb) ⚫︎The fetish fashion legend Chrissie Seams shows us phenomenal outfits ⚫︎Dollhouse Photography with the amazing Romanie Smith ⚫︎The Fetish Celebration Weeked introduces itself and we tell you what awaits you at the MARQUIS stand ⚫︎Singapore fetish photographer Justin Ignatius shows us great pictures with Mistress Wei, Lola Noir and others! ⚫︎The story of MARQUIS Part 2 (1994 to 2019) exciting anecdotes and great snapshots ⚫︎Miriam Veil - The femme fatale between pin-up and fetish ⚫︎Jean Paul Gaultier: I'm actually quite boring! ⚫︎Exciting news with Mystic Store, Pride on Tour, Bentley on new paths, Meo with a new tool, the rock band The Warning, Compitum, an exciting film from the Busch Media Group, Festa-Verlag and Pairadize Assthetic Pants< /li> ⚫︎Our brand new column with Mary and much more!
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